Monday, December 1, 2008

Teaching Philosophy

What is my teaching philosophy? I am in the midst of developing it and I have to submit it next week. I have never thought about it. I haven't thought about a lot before I started teaching at the University level or even before Grad School. As hard as it is I think it has been a great opportunity for me to stop and smell the roses. I have just been surviving and it's time to start living.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Turkey Day

It's Thanksgiving and I had a wonderful day with the family. I cooked with Mom and we had great food. My cousin came over to hang out the night before and it is always nice to see some family since we don't get a chance to often. I am now trying to finish up the semester. Getting my classes ready for finals and also getting all my work done. Luckily I started today so that makes me feel better. It's a really nice day out. I need to take a walk or something. I feel so gross and out of shape. Work it out work it out!!

We are going on the Christmas tree hunt later today. Hopefully we'll find a tree lot so we can get it up and decorate. I love the Holidays!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Time Flies...

Well, it has been a hot minute since I have written. Not much new just working and in school. My classes are all great. We are winding down the semester. I have a few slackers but what can I do? Only so much. My house is great although I had a ghetto fabulous incident last night. Diddy wakes me up at 1am barking and I hear the dog next door barking and someone banging on the door. Well girlfriend must have put boyfriend out! He was banging on the door saying let me in and she was not having it. I know all this b/c Diddy and I listened for the 10 min it went on. I couldn't hear all that she was saying so I don't know the premise of the fight. Good times.

Crazy times are about to start as all my assignments will be due soon. agghhh I can do it though. I have reconnected with HS peeps through facebook. Gotta love the internet!

Friday, September 26, 2008


What's happening? Not much here. Chillin and glad I have a free weekend and I don't have to work. Yahoo!! I cleaned up my place, got the bills ready (didn't pay them just got them ready) and took care of some other work related issues. Now I am about to chill and read the mags. Can't wait to catch up on my gossip :)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Injuries Galore!

I'm all jacked up! Once again i'm having issues with my Achilles tendons (plural) and my hips. Possible tendinitis in my hips. I want to claim old age and over use. I need to take care of myself and that is very hard when you are on the go all day. It is so hard but I have to if I want to continue the work that I do.

Anyway my classes have been going well. I had to set some students in my modern class straight. I just simply had to remind them that "I got this". I don't need their help in running the class. If I should ever, I will ask but for now I GOT THIS SO SHUT UP!

Okay goodnight :)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!!

So tomorrow is the big BDay! Whoo hoo and I have to work :( Teaching a dance team a routine so it's not too bad. Go in there throw the choreography at them and i'm out. I'm gonna celebrate with friends next weekend and hopefully with family this weekend. It's just another day. I am thankful I made it another year. A lot went down this year. I made it through.

Classes are going well. I actually am enjoying them this semester. Some of the boys in my modern class I have to remind that "I got this" and i'll let them know if I need any assistance. It's actually pretty funny. They are all doing great.

I am having issues with my other Achilles tendon which is not good. Quick update: about 5 yrs ago I ripped the other one 2x's so I am very nervous. This one is definitely not totally ruptured b/c I'm walking but something is going on in there. Partial tears or something. We'll see next week. However I am still teaching on it and teaching for 5 hours tomorrow. Go me.

Monday, September 1, 2008


My family got the Wii Fit and I am addicted. As of now I am the Hula Hoop champion. I was obsessed with beating my bro and I did it. My abs were cramping and I was dripping sweat but I did it. That is the most fun exercising I have ever had. I am not so good heading the soccer balls. It'll take a little practice. I am also the ski jump champ. Go me. I love that thing. I need to buy one to keep at my house. It's the best ever.

Diddy is staying at grandma's for the 1st part of the week since I'll be gone all day. He would have been here alone which isn't bad but he needs to go pee pee. I didn't want him to suffer. Poor thing. Maybe I need to look into a dog walker. There are stay at home moms maybe one of them will do it for free! That would be nice.

Long weekend is over. I'm off to make my TV Grid. I have to write it out so I can set TiVo and won't forget any of the 20 shows I want to watch. Maybe that's why i'm single....

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Back in the trenches...

School started this week. So far so good. I have one more class to teach this week. I always worry they won't show up after the first class but whatever someone else will sign up. I am having serious PMS issues this week or maybe MS issues. It isn't pretty. I feel horrible yet, I have to keep the energy up for the kiddies. I should have been an actress.

Diddy has done well being home by himself. Little does he know it'll get worse once studio classes start back. Poor guy. I wish he could walk himself.

My bro is doing Weight Watchers and why did he lose 12 pds his first week? This week by monday he had lost 5 more. It's so not fair. Why do guys lose weight so darn fast. Damn these womanly hormones. Why can't life be fair? why???

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I'm a hustler baby...

So the picture below is of Diddy and Mr. Bear. They are chillin on the bed. Mr. Bear was suppose to be Joey's but I stole it from him when he was a baby. Yes, I am nine years older but that's beside the point. Anyway he has traveled the country twice and he lived in Japan. He has seen it all.

I made it through another week. I just realized that I only have one week left and then school starts. Where did August go? I thought I wasn't going to be doing anything. Luckily I have been able to work a lot and make some money. Since I moved last minute I was getting nervous. It all works out in the end.

God doesn't give me anything that I can't handle.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

What Up?

So I have been hustling like a crack dealer! I have been making it work. Setting up privates getting choreography done so when my real life starts I can focus on all of that. The apartment is good. I finally got all my furniture. I just have to add the finishing touches to make it home!

The neighbors dog tried to kill Diddy the other night. Way to make a first impression. That dog is never nice and I'm not sure but I think he was trying to bite him. I didn't know what to do. It was weird. If I had a dog that was not nice to anyone I would not keep him. Hello can we say lawsuit!! I should have let him bite Diddy. Cha Ching!! I wasn't thinking clearly.

I am dancing in the Agricultural Fair in Montgomery County tomorrow. I think we are next to the pigs. I'm serious. That's what my friend said. Anything for the art right? I have rehearsal later which is good because do I remember the dance? I'm sure it'll come racing back to my old ass head. I better stretch it out. It hurts just thinking about it...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Bad Day

I am suppose to be all excited I moved and the truth is I could care less. I am so stressed out right now that I cry if you look at me wrong. I woke up tired with puffy eyes. My friend saw me and said I looked tired so I wasn't imagining it. I have no reason to be tired b/c my schedule hasn't started yet. Maybe I'm tired from not being busy? That makes no sense but right now nothing makes sense.

If I hear one more person is pregnant or had a baby I am going to scream. It just reminds me that I am single and am no where close to having a baby. Everything just sucks right now and I know other people have it worse but I should be able to complain when I want to.

Tomorrow has to be better.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Hey Hey Hey

Long time no blog! I am back from Myrtle Beach and dance wise all went well. The kids won $1,000 in the big dance off so that was pretty cool. One girl broke her ankle after it was all over by doing leaps in the parking lot. Well maybe doing leaps in the parking lot wasn't the best idea?? At least it was all over however we don't know how long she'll be out.

I have moved! All good except the scalding water in my shower. There is no cold just hot and hotter. I called and she wrote it up but I'm not sure what that means. Do they call first? Diddy won't take kindly to strangers up in his crib. Not much else going on. Damn my life is boring. It really is. I have nothing good to report. Maybe next time.


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Back from the Beach!!

I headed out to Bethany Beach this past weekend and it was beautiful. We stayed in a gorgeous house and did our thing. I got a little burnt but it's not too bad. I wasn't looking forward to coming back to the real world and packing to move. Yes, move I signed the lease before my trip. It was a little nerve wracking and it's real now. I've done it before I can do it again.

Other than that I am getting ready to head to Myrtle Beach for dance competition. This week will be intense at dance and we'll be all over the kids to get it together. Well if they didn't slack we wouldn't need to be all over them now would we? They make the decision. A wise one would be to BRING IT!!

Peace out ;)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Phone Drama!!

I made it through dance team camp! I was les mis mostly because I had no communication to the outside world. Not only did I not have TV, I had no cell phone. Yes, I stood in line that morning for my new Iphone and I got it. Well, there were so many people activating the guy told us to go home and put itunes on it. Ok that sounded resonable. He did not tell me my phone would not work until I did that. I had about an hour when I got home so I hooked it up and nothing still to busy. So I figured, oh the phone should work later my old phone would not be off for 3 hours. So I had my lunch meeting and i'm headed to Baltimore for camp and NOTHING!! My phone was off and the new phone was not working. I freaked out. What if I get in an accident? What do I do? I have no way to reach anyone. I frantically started looking for a pay phone (next time your out look for one... not so easy to find). Anyway I calmed myself down (b/c I did live without a cell phone) and made my way to camp. As soon as I got there and found the team I borrowed someones phone to tell my loved ones I was alive and I had no phone so to call the one I was on. My brother said that he understood and I had to put itunes on my new phone for it to work. So I did it, 2 full days no phone. It was rough especially when you have a lot of down time. Did Angelina have the babies? Were Jen Aniston and John Mayer still together? I had no clue.

So, Biggie is still in the house and he needs to go. I was home with them this morning and he peed and pooped two times on the floor. He has no schedule. Crap when you want! That's his schedule. Diddy just looks at him. I just hope he doesn't pick up his bad puppy habits. Pictures will be coming soon but his face still hasn't cleared up. It was like something bite him or something. There was a big red hole on his face and last week it was ANGRY!! Now it's more pink and the hole is closing up. The breeder offered to pay vet bills and give Joey his money back if he wanted. That's a positive sign although I think he's staying :(

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hey Hey Hey!!

Long time no blog! I'm back and crazy as ever. Still running around like a chicken with my head cut off. It's all good. I wouldn't know what to do otherwise.

So, I'm moving!! I'll be heading to Centreville in the next few weeks. I'm pretty excited and i'm sure Diddy is excited to get away and get some sleep. Oh wait an update is needed. My brother got the bulldog. His name is Biggie and he's gonna be biggie. Like 70 pds I thinks. He's cute now although he eats like a pig and makes a mess with the water. He's an attention whore so if i'm brushing Diddy, Biggie is all over me even though he has no hair to brush. The boys have been sharing a room and were asleep when I left. Did I mention Biggie snores? Like father like son. My bro snores like crazy. They were meant for each other.

Dancing started this week and i'm not sure how I feel about it. I try to go to work and come home but somehow I get sucked into the drama. It's always drama. The lives of teenagers are so hard! I just look at them and say, you're kidding me right...

I'm going to dance team camp this weekend. Shoot me now...

Stay tuned for pics of Biggie and Diddy!

-although Biggie is having an issue with his face, we may have to wait until that clears up :)

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Moving On

So, the time has come. I'm moving and it's scary, yet exciting. I had to announce it to make it real. I will be totally poor but it's worth it. Wish me luck!

I am still hanging out with the same guy. All is going well on that end. I am about to start teaching next week so I need to prepare for that. My crazy schedule is back in full force. That seems to be how I roll!

My bro says he's getting a bull dog. It is not cute! I don't think Diddy will like that.
Stay tuned...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I wish...

So much is going on in my life and the funny thing is no one knows the truth.
Don't we all wish our lives were perfect?

I wish there was no drama;
I wish people's feelings didn't get hurt;
I wish it wasn't always about them;
I wish I didn't have to pay someone to listen to me talk about how I feel;
I wish I would fall in love and have a family;
I wish I didn't care what people thought of me;
I wish I didn't have to constantly think about my weight;
I wish I was rich so I could do whatever I wanted!!

Now if only a genie would appear...

Sunday, June 15, 2008


I am just praying that I make it through this week. I thought my schedule/workload was lighter during the summer months? Not the case. I am running around just as much as I do during the school year. Not to mention that I am dating, therefore I have to fit so much more in with no extra time.

On a happy note I went to see BANZAI UNDERGROUND last night. A fabulous cover band. Theye are so good and had a nice crowd last night in Old Town. Good times. I try so hard to enjoy myself however, in the back of my head i'm thinking I should be home doing homework. Maybe i'll bring that up in counseling this week.

I took two Pilates workshops yesterday that were much needed. It gave me the boost to get back to studying but I have to make it through my grantwriting course 1st. Two more weeks and I can breathe. I can do it! I can do it!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

so little time....

It's been so long since I've written. Well, I started my summer school class, the one that I am taking, and OMG what was I thinking. It meets once a week for a month and it's all day. So a lot of work is done and a lot of outside work is done. It took me 3-4 days to write a 2 page letter for a grant proposal. I was and still am extremely stressed about it. Also because I want a good grade of course. Anyway I just emailed it in. It's due tonight at 10pm but I have to work and didn't want anything to happen or to make excuses like my students do.

My friend "A" teaches a class before mine and she was having an email fight with one of her students last night. It was about attendance/tardies and the policy. The student was absent the first day of class (cough) when it was discussed. If she read the syllabus she could have easily been filled in but no. She stated that "A" didn't understand what they (the students) go through in the mornings on the way to school. Well "A" gets to school? She seems to make it on time. I am not understanding the problem. Anyway the kind of people we both are she's extremely bothered by it. We want everyone happy and don't want to be bullied for grades. That is exactly what kids today try to do. It's horrible.

Next, I'm FAT! I don't know what's happening. I needs to lose 3 pds by Saturday but I don't see it happening. I think I could definitely do 2 pds. We'll see. I have just been lax and not working out like I should. I busted out the pilates workout this morning. I want to do a speed walk or something (I don't run) but it's so darn hot! Obviously the little workout I do while I'm teaching is not cutting it. Speaking of my class I have one student I want gone. She is so annoying and makes comments that are rude. She's older so I am not sure she's aware they are rude. Oh and she's NOT GETTING CREDIT! Do I really need to put up with her?

One a happy note I have been dating this guy for a couple weeks. We had 2 official dates and one night I went out to see his band. So far so good. I am seeing him again this weekend. He's great. A total gentleman and our dates are all day long. It's nice to finally want to spend time with someone. Okay gotta get ready to teach the children.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

So Far So Good!

Things are going well. My coffee date was great and lasted 5 hours. We had coffee, walked around and then went to see a movie. He's a grown up and I love that. It was nice to have a date with someone who has their crap together and isn't jealous that you have yours together. So stay tuned to see how all of this plays out.

The class I am teaching this summer is great. The students have really improved. I would love to say it was my teaching skills but they have also worked very hard:) It's also nice that they have class 4 days a week for 2 hours a day. The students that are putting in the effort will definitely get the reward. I have nothing to say about the slackers. I taught technique for the dance team tonight and so many of them were not there. So like I said above the ones that were there and putting in the effort will get the benefits. I am constantly researching new things and teaching techniques so I can keep it fresh!

My brother has moved back to the area. He got a job and so far so good. I hope he likes it and becomes successful in his new career.

I start my summer school class on Friday. I checked my email on Monday and there was an email from my professor with and assignment attached! Hello I know it's Grad School but I have to do work? before the class starts? Not only that but I have to present something orally! I can teach dance to a class of 35 but just stand up and talk? I don't know about all that. We'll see...

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sex and the City

I attended the movie opening night and it was fabulous. I was a little nervous because it had been getting mixed reviews but who listens to reviews. Reviewers hate everything. Anyway go see it ASAP it is totally worth it. I love those girls!

As for my dating life, I have a coffee date tomorrow. I am looking forward to it. We have been talking about a week and a half so this is perfect timing. Why waste time if it isn't going to go anywhere. So I will definitely let you know how it goes.

I walked in a 5K morning and it was suppose to be a walk. Why did people bust out running? It really annoyed it. A fun walk is a WALK! Do the run portion if you want to run. So I had to bust out the power walk because I did not want to be last. It felt good once we finished. I need to workout more...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Dating Life!

So, I am online dating as I stated earlier and it's going pretty well. I feel bad sometimes b/c I will be emailing someone and then someone who I am more interested in (so I think) comes along and I ditch the other guy. It's like I can't multitask with my emails to men! Anyway I am emailing with this guy and we had a phone conversation the other night which was very nice. He sounded cool, has a career, and has lifetime goals. That's a good way to start. We kind of left it with we enjoyed the convo, wanted to talk again and that was it. So the wait was on! What do I do? Send an email, quick airy text message. I don't want to seem like a stalker or needy. The funny thing with him is I am not anxious and not checking my phone or email every 10 min. Well he text last night. Then today when I got out of class I had a message. Him saying hello and asking me out for a drink! So we'll have to wait and see what happens...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

The weekend is coming to a close and I had a nice relaxing time. I actually went out dancing Saturday night for the first time in FOREVER! It was fun however, I do not miss that scene. There was a tranny and I was obsessed with watching him/her because I did not get a good look. So, I would watch guys hit on him/her and then dare my friends to go tell the guy that he was trying to pick up a guy. No one would do it. It was fun though. Just the whole pick up scene I am so over and people being completely trashed. It's just not me anymore. Been there done that and it was a lot of fun.

My family and I also hit Viva Vienna this weekend. Good times eating all that greasy food that is so bad for you. I experienced deep fried oreos and let me tell you they are soooooooooooooooo good. They taste like a fudge brownie. It was a beautiful weekend with perfect weather. I did plan on getting some stuff done and maybe it'll happen today but if not it's okay.

One last issue is my dating life. I am trying online dating again and I am dealing with the issue of emailing a lot and then not hearing anything for like a day and a half and being freaked out by it. Then I hear from them and I don't want to seem to eager so I play the waiting game. WHY MUST WE PLAY THESE GAMES?

Stay tuned...

Friday, May 23, 2008


Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face
You told me how proud you were but I walked away
If only I knew what I know today
I would hold you in my arms
I would take the pain away
Thank you for all you've done
Forgive all your mistakes
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To hear your voice again
Sometimes I want to call you but I know you won't be there
I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself by hurting you
Some days I feel broke inside but I won't admit
Sometimes I just want to hide 'cause it's you I miss
You know it's so hard to say goodbye when it comes to this
Would you tell me I was wrong?
Would you help me understand?
Are you looking down upon me?
Are you proud of who I am?
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To have just one more chance
To look into your eyes and see you looking back
I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself
If I had just one more day, I would tell you how much that
I've missed you since you've been away
Oh, it's dangerous
It's so out of line to try to turn back time
I'm sorry for blaming you for everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself
By hurting you

Thursday, May 22, 2008

One week down

So I have survived teaching my first week of summer school. I am teaching a beg. dance class that is 2 hours and 15 min. Yes, very intense. After the first day I didn't think I would make it but they have improved greatly throughout the week. It's a good thing that we meet 4 days a week. All they can do is improve. I on the other hand am very sore from stretching so much but what a great workout. It amazes me how out of shape these students are. Some have no muscle tone at all. Arms like an 80 year old woman. Just floppy. If anything I hope they get in a little better shape.

I am teaching my first pilates private tomorrow. It won't be so challenging b/c she is a dancer and is also a yoga instructor. She is trying to decide if she wants to obtain a pilates certification. I'm still nervous about it b/c it is still new to me. I just want to go workout myself on the reformer. Maybe I can do it with her. We'll see what happens.

I think my dog has lost his mind. He's barking at me and he needs nothing. He just wants attention. He's a little bourgeois!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The day after tryouts... and me

So, it's over and I guess it went well. I don't understand why tryouts happen. The coach knows who they want from the get go so why go thru all the hoopla? Sometimes I agree sometimes I don't. Maybe because I work so closely with the girls I know who deserves it and who doesn't. Oh well not in my hands. I look forward to seeing the girls working together and becoming a team.

As for me, I learned today that I don't know how to relax. We were doing this focusing exercise and while the counselor was talking I was not focusing on what she was saying but on all the stuff I had to do, emails I needed to return, replaying the class I just taught and thinking about what to teach tomorrow. So my homework is to relax and focus on one thing at a time. It was also brought to my attention that while talking I'm all over the place and the clutter is in my head. I need to de-clutter my life. Naturally the first thing I thought of was to start with my closet!!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The day before tryouts!

I wish kids would understand that you can't learn skills that take years to learn in a one hour session the day before tryouts. I did about 5 hours of privates today and the majority of them were great. One girl I worked with for the first time today and it makes me upset b/c if I would have worked with her for a while she would be much better than she is. She takes correction well and made progress during the hour. I feel like she'll at least make the JV team. Better than nothing. She needs the year to grow. I even offer a technique class called Break It Down. Not sure why she didn't sign up for that. I will make sure to put the word out in full force next year.

Here's a little advice if you are trying out for a dance team:

1. Condition (you can't be out of shape)
2. Stretch daily
3. Know the team you are trying out for. If they have clinics GO! If they dance at games GO!
4. Take a dance class. Don't try out for a dance team if you CAN'T DANCE!
5. Be willing to commit fully to the team.
6. Keep your grades up or you most likely won't make it. School comes first.
7. Know what to wear to tryouts. Don't come in character shoes if the team never wears character shoes.

That's all for now. I just want to make the audition process a little easier :)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Overview of Me!

Teaching dance is my life however, I still get nervous when I teach a new dance class. It goes back to the grade school when you want everyone to like you. Wait, they better like me I am teaching on the college level and their GPA is in my hands. So summer session starts on Monday. It'll be interesting to report how the class is progressing along with my social life. I recently signed up for a dating service online since I have some more free time this summer. I have been emailing with a couple prospects. It makes me nervous b/c you always seem to get along thru email and then you meet... I always tell my friends "don't waste your time emailing, talking on the phone and texting b/c it could all be over once you meet". It's sad how that works. That is just a couple things happening in my life. I am in the process of receiving my certification in STOTT Pilates and I am also a Certified Massage Therapist. Let's just say I get bored easily. Pilates is the best exercise ever. I went to the gym the other day and was completely miserable sitting in that room with all the people walking away on their treadmills. I had to get out of there.

Dance team tryouts are on Monday for the HS I work with. There is a last minute cram session tomorrow with a handful of girls trying to get ready. If they aren't ready by then, I'm sorry it ain't gonna happen. My Sunday will be spent pumping them up and hoping they can do triple turns. My advice for them is to work hard and smile a lot. If you're smiling maybe the judges won't notice your knees are bent and your toes aren't pointed. As one of the judges I just ask that you please make us laugh. One more thing don't come if you have never danced a day in your life. This is a competitive dance team and we wanna win!