Tuesday, June 3, 2008

So Far So Good!

Things are going well. My coffee date was great and lasted 5 hours. We had coffee, walked around and then went to see a movie. He's a grown up and I love that. It was nice to have a date with someone who has their crap together and isn't jealous that you have yours together. So stay tuned to see how all of this plays out.

The class I am teaching this summer is great. The students have really improved. I would love to say it was my teaching skills but they have also worked very hard:) It's also nice that they have class 4 days a week for 2 hours a day. The students that are putting in the effort will definitely get the reward. I have nothing to say about the slackers. I taught technique for the dance team tonight and so many of them were not there. So like I said above the ones that were there and putting in the effort will get the benefits. I am constantly researching new things and teaching techniques so I can keep it fresh!

My brother has moved back to the area. He got a job and so far so good. I hope he likes it and becomes successful in his new career.

I start my summer school class on Friday. I checked my email on Monday and there was an email from my professor with and assignment attached! Hello I know it's Grad School but I have to do work? before the class starts? Not only that but I have to present something orally! I can teach dance to a class of 35 but just stand up and talk? I don't know about all that. We'll see...