Thursday, August 14, 2008

What Up?

So I have been hustling like a crack dealer! I have been making it work. Setting up privates getting choreography done so when my real life starts I can focus on all of that. The apartment is good. I finally got all my furniture. I just have to add the finishing touches to make it home!

The neighbors dog tried to kill Diddy the other night. Way to make a first impression. That dog is never nice and I'm not sure but I think he was trying to bite him. I didn't know what to do. It was weird. If I had a dog that was not nice to anyone I would not keep him. Hello can we say lawsuit!! I should have let him bite Diddy. Cha Ching!! I wasn't thinking clearly.

I am dancing in the Agricultural Fair in Montgomery County tomorrow. I think we are next to the pigs. I'm serious. That's what my friend said. Anything for the art right? I have rehearsal later which is good because do I remember the dance? I'm sure it'll come racing back to my old ass head. I better stretch it out. It hurts just thinking about it...