Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Dating Life!

So, I am online dating as I stated earlier and it's going pretty well. I feel bad sometimes b/c I will be emailing someone and then someone who I am more interested in (so I think) comes along and I ditch the other guy. It's like I can't multitask with my emails to men! Anyway I am emailing with this guy and we had a phone conversation the other night which was very nice. He sounded cool, has a career, and has lifetime goals. That's a good way to start. We kind of left it with we enjoyed the convo, wanted to talk again and that was it. So the wait was on! What do I do? Send an email, quick airy text message. I don't want to seem like a stalker or needy. The funny thing with him is I am not anxious and not checking my phone or email every 10 min. Well he text last night. Then today when I got out of class I had a message. Him saying hello and asking me out for a drink! So we'll have to wait and see what happens...