Wednesday, June 11, 2008

so little time....

It's been so long since I've written. Well, I started my summer school class, the one that I am taking, and OMG what was I thinking. It meets once a week for a month and it's all day. So a lot of work is done and a lot of outside work is done. It took me 3-4 days to write a 2 page letter for a grant proposal. I was and still am extremely stressed about it. Also because I want a good grade of course. Anyway I just emailed it in. It's due tonight at 10pm but I have to work and didn't want anything to happen or to make excuses like my students do.

My friend "A" teaches a class before mine and she was having an email fight with one of her students last night. It was about attendance/tardies and the policy. The student was absent the first day of class (cough) when it was discussed. If she read the syllabus she could have easily been filled in but no. She stated that "A" didn't understand what they (the students) go through in the mornings on the way to school. Well "A" gets to school? She seems to make it on time. I am not understanding the problem. Anyway the kind of people we both are she's extremely bothered by it. We want everyone happy and don't want to be bullied for grades. That is exactly what kids today try to do. It's horrible.

Next, I'm FAT! I don't know what's happening. I needs to lose 3 pds by Saturday but I don't see it happening. I think I could definitely do 2 pds. We'll see. I have just been lax and not working out like I should. I busted out the pilates workout this morning. I want to do a speed walk or something (I don't run) but it's so darn hot! Obviously the little workout I do while I'm teaching is not cutting it. Speaking of my class I have one student I want gone. She is so annoying and makes comments that are rude. She's older so I am not sure she's aware they are rude. Oh and she's NOT GETTING CREDIT! Do I really need to put up with her?

One a happy note I have been dating this guy for a couple weeks. We had 2 official dates and one night I went out to see his band. So far so good. I am seeing him again this weekend. He's great. A total gentleman and our dates are all day long. It's nice to finally want to spend time with someone. Okay gotta get ready to teach the children.