Friday, September 12, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!!

So tomorrow is the big BDay! Whoo hoo and I have to work :( Teaching a dance team a routine so it's not too bad. Go in there throw the choreography at them and i'm out. I'm gonna celebrate with friends next weekend and hopefully with family this weekend. It's just another day. I am thankful I made it another year. A lot went down this year. I made it through.

Classes are going well. I actually am enjoying them this semester. Some of the boys in my modern class I have to remind that "I got this" and i'll let them know if I need any assistance. It's actually pretty funny. They are all doing great.

I am having issues with my other Achilles tendon which is not good. Quick update: about 5 yrs ago I ripped the other one 2x's so I am very nervous. This one is definitely not totally ruptured b/c I'm walking but something is going on in there. Partial tears or something. We'll see next week. However I am still teaching on it and teaching for 5 hours tomorrow. Go me.