Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

The weekend is coming to a close and I had a nice relaxing time. I actually went out dancing Saturday night for the first time in FOREVER! It was fun however, I do not miss that scene. There was a tranny and I was obsessed with watching him/her because I did not get a good look. So, I would watch guys hit on him/her and then dare my friends to go tell the guy that he was trying to pick up a guy. No one would do it. It was fun though. Just the whole pick up scene I am so over and people being completely trashed. It's just not me anymore. Been there done that and it was a lot of fun.

My family and I also hit Viva Vienna this weekend. Good times eating all that greasy food that is so bad for you. I experienced deep fried oreos and let me tell you they are soooooooooooooooo good. They taste like a fudge brownie. It was a beautiful weekend with perfect weather. I did plan on getting some stuff done and maybe it'll happen today but if not it's okay.

One last issue is my dating life. I am trying online dating again and I am dealing with the issue of emailing a lot and then not hearing anything for like a day and a half and being freaked out by it. Then I hear from them and I don't want to seem to eager so I play the waiting game. WHY MUST WE PLAY THESE GAMES?

Stay tuned...