Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Back in the trenches...

School started this week. So far so good. I have one more class to teach this week. I always worry they won't show up after the first class but whatever someone else will sign up. I am having serious PMS issues this week or maybe MS issues. It isn't pretty. I feel horrible yet, I have to keep the energy up for the kiddies. I should have been an actress.

Diddy has done well being home by himself. Little does he know it'll get worse once studio classes start back. Poor guy. I wish he could walk himself.

My bro is doing Weight Watchers and why did he lose 12 pds his first week? This week by monday he had lost 5 more. It's so not fair. Why do guys lose weight so darn fast. Damn these womanly hormones. Why can't life be fair? why???