Monday, September 1, 2008


My family got the Wii Fit and I am addicted. As of now I am the Hula Hoop champion. I was obsessed with beating my bro and I did it. My abs were cramping and I was dripping sweat but I did it. That is the most fun exercising I have ever had. I am not so good heading the soccer balls. It'll take a little practice. I am also the ski jump champ. Go me. I love that thing. I need to buy one to keep at my house. It's the best ever.

Diddy is staying at grandma's for the 1st part of the week since I'll be gone all day. He would have been here alone which isn't bad but he needs to go pee pee. I didn't want him to suffer. Poor thing. Maybe I need to look into a dog walker. There are stay at home moms maybe one of them will do it for free! That would be nice.

Long weekend is over. I'm off to make my TV Grid. I have to write it out so I can set TiVo and won't forget any of the 20 shows I want to watch. Maybe that's why i'm single....