Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Hey Hey Hey

Long time no blog! I am back from Myrtle Beach and dance wise all went well. The kids won $1,000 in the big dance off so that was pretty cool. One girl broke her ankle after it was all over by doing leaps in the parking lot. Well maybe doing leaps in the parking lot wasn't the best idea?? At least it was all over however we don't know how long she'll be out.

I have moved! All good except the scalding water in my shower. There is no cold just hot and hotter. I called and she wrote it up but I'm not sure what that means. Do they call first? Diddy won't take kindly to strangers up in his crib. Not much else going on. Damn my life is boring. It really is. I have nothing good to report. Maybe next time.
