Saturday, May 17, 2008

Overview of Me!

Teaching dance is my life however, I still get nervous when I teach a new dance class. It goes back to the grade school when you want everyone to like you. Wait, they better like me I am teaching on the college level and their GPA is in my hands. So summer session starts on Monday. It'll be interesting to report how the class is progressing along with my social life. I recently signed up for a dating service online since I have some more free time this summer. I have been emailing with a couple prospects. It makes me nervous b/c you always seem to get along thru email and then you meet... I always tell my friends "don't waste your time emailing, talking on the phone and texting b/c it could all be over once you meet". It's sad how that works. That is just a couple things happening in my life. I am in the process of receiving my certification in STOTT Pilates and I am also a Certified Massage Therapist. Let's just say I get bored easily. Pilates is the best exercise ever. I went to the gym the other day and was completely miserable sitting in that room with all the people walking away on their treadmills. I had to get out of there.

Dance team tryouts are on Monday for the HS I work with. There is a last minute cram session tomorrow with a handful of girls trying to get ready. If they aren't ready by then, I'm sorry it ain't gonna happen. My Sunday will be spent pumping them up and hoping they can do triple turns. My advice for them is to work hard and smile a lot. If you're smiling maybe the judges won't notice your knees are bent and your toes aren't pointed. As one of the judges I just ask that you please make us laugh. One more thing don't come if you have never danced a day in your life. This is a competitive dance team and we wanna win!