Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The day after tryouts... and me

So, it's over and I guess it went well. I don't understand why tryouts happen. The coach knows who they want from the get go so why go thru all the hoopla? Sometimes I agree sometimes I don't. Maybe because I work so closely with the girls I know who deserves it and who doesn't. Oh well not in my hands. I look forward to seeing the girls working together and becoming a team.

As for me, I learned today that I don't know how to relax. We were doing this focusing exercise and while the counselor was talking I was not focusing on what she was saying but on all the stuff I had to do, emails I needed to return, replaying the class I just taught and thinking about what to teach tomorrow. So my homework is to relax and focus on one thing at a time. It was also brought to my attention that while talking I'm all over the place and the clutter is in my head. I need to de-clutter my life. Naturally the first thing I thought of was to start with my closet!!!