Friday, October 31, 2008

Time Flies...

Well, it has been a hot minute since I have written. Not much new just working and in school. My classes are all great. We are winding down the semester. I have a few slackers but what can I do? Only so much. My house is great although I had a ghetto fabulous incident last night. Diddy wakes me up at 1am barking and I hear the dog next door barking and someone banging on the door. Well girlfriend must have put boyfriend out! He was banging on the door saying let me in and she was not having it. I know all this b/c Diddy and I listened for the 10 min it went on. I couldn't hear all that she was saying so I don't know the premise of the fight. Good times.

Crazy times are about to start as all my assignments will be due soon. agghhh I can do it though. I have reconnected with HS peeps through facebook. Gotta love the internet!