Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hey Hey Hey!!

Long time no blog! I'm back and crazy as ever. Still running around like a chicken with my head cut off. It's all good. I wouldn't know what to do otherwise.

So, I'm moving!! I'll be heading to Centreville in the next few weeks. I'm pretty excited and i'm sure Diddy is excited to get away and get some sleep. Oh wait an update is needed. My brother got the bulldog. His name is Biggie and he's gonna be biggie. Like 70 pds I thinks. He's cute now although he eats like a pig and makes a mess with the water. He's an attention whore so if i'm brushing Diddy, Biggie is all over me even though he has no hair to brush. The boys have been sharing a room and were asleep when I left. Did I mention Biggie snores? Like father like son. My bro snores like crazy. They were meant for each other.

Dancing started this week and i'm not sure how I feel about it. I try to go to work and come home but somehow I get sucked into the drama. It's always drama. The lives of teenagers are so hard! I just look at them and say, you're kidding me right...

I'm going to dance team camp this weekend. Shoot me now...

Stay tuned for pics of Biggie and Diddy!

-although Biggie is having an issue with his face, we may have to wait until that clears up :)