Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Back in the trenches...

School started this week. So far so good. I have one more class to teach this week. I always worry they won't show up after the first class but whatever someone else will sign up. I am having serious PMS issues this week or maybe MS issues. It isn't pretty. I feel horrible yet, I have to keep the energy up for the kiddies. I should have been an actress.

Diddy has done well being home by himself. Little does he know it'll get worse once studio classes start back. Poor guy. I wish he could walk himself.

My bro is doing Weight Watchers and why did he lose 12 pds his first week? This week by monday he had lost 5 more. It's so not fair. Why do guys lose weight so darn fast. Damn these womanly hormones. Why can't life be fair? why???

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I'm a hustler baby...

So the picture below is of Diddy and Mr. Bear. They are chillin on the bed. Mr. Bear was suppose to be Joey's but I stole it from him when he was a baby. Yes, I am nine years older but that's beside the point. Anyway he has traveled the country twice and he lived in Japan. He has seen it all.

I made it through another week. I just realized that I only have one week left and then school starts. Where did August go? I thought I wasn't going to be doing anything. Luckily I have been able to work a lot and make some money. Since I moved last minute I was getting nervous. It all works out in the end.

God doesn't give me anything that I can't handle.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

What Up?

So I have been hustling like a crack dealer! I have been making it work. Setting up privates getting choreography done so when my real life starts I can focus on all of that. The apartment is good. I finally got all my furniture. I just have to add the finishing touches to make it home!

The neighbors dog tried to kill Diddy the other night. Way to make a first impression. That dog is never nice and I'm not sure but I think he was trying to bite him. I didn't know what to do. It was weird. If I had a dog that was not nice to anyone I would not keep him. Hello can we say lawsuit!! I should have let him bite Diddy. Cha Ching!! I wasn't thinking clearly.

I am dancing in the Agricultural Fair in Montgomery County tomorrow. I think we are next to the pigs. I'm serious. That's what my friend said. Anything for the art right? I have rehearsal later which is good because do I remember the dance? I'm sure it'll come racing back to my old ass head. I better stretch it out. It hurts just thinking about it...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Bad Day

I am suppose to be all excited I moved and the truth is I could care less. I am so stressed out right now that I cry if you look at me wrong. I woke up tired with puffy eyes. My friend saw me and said I looked tired so I wasn't imagining it. I have no reason to be tired b/c my schedule hasn't started yet. Maybe I'm tired from not being busy? That makes no sense but right now nothing makes sense.

If I hear one more person is pregnant or had a baby I am going to scream. It just reminds me that I am single and am no where close to having a baby. Everything just sucks right now and I know other people have it worse but I should be able to complain when I want to.

Tomorrow has to be better.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Hey Hey Hey

Long time no blog! I am back from Myrtle Beach and dance wise all went well. The kids won $1,000 in the big dance off so that was pretty cool. One girl broke her ankle after it was all over by doing leaps in the parking lot. Well maybe doing leaps in the parking lot wasn't the best idea?? At least it was all over however we don't know how long she'll be out.

I have moved! All good except the scalding water in my shower. There is no cold just hot and hotter. I called and she wrote it up but I'm not sure what that means. Do they call first? Diddy won't take kindly to strangers up in his crib. Not much else going on. Damn my life is boring. It really is. I have nothing good to report. Maybe next time.
