Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It's been a while

So much as happened. School is moving right a long. We just got back from FL with the dance team and it was a nice trip. Got a little sun and the girls danced their hearts out. I saw a couple friends I haven't seen in over 10 yrs! It was like we never left each other. I am starting a new blog about my thesis. See what happens.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Teaching Philosophy

What is my teaching philosophy? I am in the midst of developing it and I have to submit it next week. I have never thought about it. I haven't thought about a lot before I started teaching at the University level or even before Grad School. As hard as it is I think it has been a great opportunity for me to stop and smell the roses. I have just been surviving and it's time to start living.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Turkey Day

It's Thanksgiving and I had a wonderful day with the family. I cooked with Mom and we had great food. My cousin came over to hang out the night before and it is always nice to see some family since we don't get a chance to often. I am now trying to finish up the semester. Getting my classes ready for finals and also getting all my work done. Luckily I started today so that makes me feel better. It's a really nice day out. I need to take a walk or something. I feel so gross and out of shape. Work it out work it out!!

We are going on the Christmas tree hunt later today. Hopefully we'll find a tree lot so we can get it up and decorate. I love the Holidays!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Time Flies...

Well, it has been a hot minute since I have written. Not much new just working and in school. My classes are all great. We are winding down the semester. I have a few slackers but what can I do? Only so much. My house is great although I had a ghetto fabulous incident last night. Diddy wakes me up at 1am barking and I hear the dog next door barking and someone banging on the door. Well girlfriend must have put boyfriend out! He was banging on the door saying let me in and she was not having it. I know all this b/c Diddy and I listened for the 10 min it went on. I couldn't hear all that she was saying so I don't know the premise of the fight. Good times.

Crazy times are about to start as all my assignments will be due soon. agghhh I can do it though. I have reconnected with HS peeps through facebook. Gotta love the internet!

Friday, September 26, 2008


What's happening? Not much here. Chillin and glad I have a free weekend and I don't have to work. Yahoo!! I cleaned up my place, got the bills ready (didn't pay them just got them ready) and took care of some other work related issues. Now I am about to chill and read the mags. Can't wait to catch up on my gossip :)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Injuries Galore!

I'm all jacked up! Once again i'm having issues with my Achilles tendons (plural) and my hips. Possible tendinitis in my hips. I want to claim old age and over use. I need to take care of myself and that is very hard when you are on the go all day. It is so hard but I have to if I want to continue the work that I do.

Anyway my classes have been going well. I had to set some students in my modern class straight. I just simply had to remind them that "I got this". I don't need their help in running the class. If I should ever, I will ask but for now I GOT THIS SO SHUT UP!

Okay goodnight :)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!!

So tomorrow is the big BDay! Whoo hoo and I have to work :( Teaching a dance team a routine so it's not too bad. Go in there throw the choreography at them and i'm out. I'm gonna celebrate with friends next weekend and hopefully with family this weekend. It's just another day. I am thankful I made it another year. A lot went down this year. I made it through.

Classes are going well. I actually am enjoying them this semester. Some of the boys in my modern class I have to remind that "I got this" and i'll let them know if I need any assistance. It's actually pretty funny. They are all doing great.

I am having issues with my other Achilles tendon which is not good. Quick update: about 5 yrs ago I ripped the other one 2x's so I am very nervous. This one is definitely not totally ruptured b/c I'm walking but something is going on in there. Partial tears or something. We'll see next week. However I am still teaching on it and teaching for 5 hours tomorrow. Go me.